Имаме удоволствието да Ви поканим на уебинар, организиран от проекта INNOCENT, с участието на Михаел Ротермел, директор на дирекция в баварското Министерство на правосъдието. Той ще представи предизвикателствата пред съдебната система, свързани с киберпрестъпността, и по-специално относно криптирани комуникационни системи като EncroChat.
Модератор на събитието е съдия Мартин Янчар от районния съд на Любляна, Словения.

We are pleased to invite you to the second webinar organized by the INNOCENT project on Wednesday, April 19th, featuring Michael Rothärmel from the Bavarian State Ministry of Justice in Germany. Mr. Rothärmel will share insights from his extensive experience on legal issues related to cybercrime, and particularly on encrypted communication systems such as EncroChat. We will examine in-depth the EncroChat case and discuss admissibility issues related to pending proceedings all around the Europe.
Moderated by Judge Martin Jančar from the District Court of Ljubljana, Slovenia and the Science and Research Center Koper, this webinar will be a great opportunity for judges, prosecutors, and lawyers to improve their understanding of these technologies, how data is accessed by the Police, and how the collected data is handled and shared between law enforcement and judicial authorities in Europe. Participants will also have the opportunity to interact with the speakers during a Q&A session.
About Michael Rothärmel

Before joining the Bavarian State Ministry of Justice, Mr. Rothärmel was a Senior Prosecutor at the International Department of the Office of the Public Prosecutor General of Munich, where he was also the contact point for the European Judicial Network (EJN). Previously, Mr Rothärmel also worked at Eurojust as a National Expert at the European Cybercrime Centre and in the Joint Cybercrime Action Taskforce.